Stopping Spyware at the Gate:
A User Study of Privacy, Notice and Spyware
Nathaniel Good
, Rachna Dhamija
, Jens Grossklags
, David Thaw
, Steven Aronowitz
Deirdre Mulligan
, Joseph Konstan
{ngood,rachna,jensg,dbthaw}@, stevenaronowi[email protected],
School of Information Management
and Systems, UC Berkeley
102 South Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
Samuelson Law, Technology &
Public Policy Clinic
Boalt Hall (School of Law)
UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720
Department of Computer Science
University of Minnesota
4-192 EE/CS Building
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Spyware is a significant problem for most computer users. The
term “spyware” loosely describes a new class of computer
software. This type of software may track user activities online
and offline, provide targeted advertising and/or engage in other
types of activities that users describe as invasive or undesirable.
While the magnitude of the spyware problem is well documented,
recent studies have had only limited success in explaining the
broad range of user behaviors that contribute to the proliferation
of spyware. As opposed to viruses and other malicious code,
users themselves often have a choice whether they want to install
these programs.
In this paper, we discuss an ecological study of users installing
five real world applications. In particular, we seek to understand
the influence of the form and content of notices (e.g., EULAs) on
user’s installation decisions.
Our study indicates that while notice is important, notice alone
may not be enough to affect users’ decisions to install an
application. We found that users have limited understanding of
EULA content and little desire to read lengthy notices. Users
found short, concise notices more useful, and noticed them more
often, yet they did not have a significant effect on installation for
our population. When users were informed of the actual contents
of the EULAs to which they agreed, we found that users often
regret their installation decisions.
We discovered that regardless of the bundled content, users will
often install an application if they believe the utility is high
enough. However, we discovered that privacy and security
become important factors when choosing between two
applications with similar functionality. Given two similar
programs (e.g., KaZaA and Edonkey), consumers will choose the
one they believe to be less invasive and more stable. We also
found that providing vague information in EULAs and short
notices can create an unwarranted impression of increased
security. In these cases, it may be helpful to have a standardized
format for assessing the possible options and trade-offs between
Categories and Subject Descriptors
H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User
Interfaces: interaction styles, standardization, user-centered
J.4 [Social and Behavioral Sciences]: psychology
K.4.1 [Computers and Society]: Public Policy Issues - privacy
and regulation
K.5.2 [Legal Aspects of Computing]: Governmental Issues –
General Terms
Design, Experimentation, Security, Human Factors, Legal
Privacy, Notice, End User License Agreement, EULA, Security
and Usability, Spyware, Terms of Service, ToS
Spyware is a significant problem for most computer users. The
term “spyware” loosely describes a new class of computer
software. This type of software may track users’ activities online
and offline, provide targeted advertising, and/or engage in other
types of activities that users describe as invasive or undesirable.
Data suggests that these types of programs may reside on up to 90
percent of all Internet-connected computers [10]. Frequently,
programs bundle spyware with freeware or shareware, though it
can also arrive via email, instant messages or web downloads.
While the magnitude of the spyware problem is well documented
recent studies have had only limited success in explaining the
broad range of user behaviors that contribute to the proliferation
of spyware. As opposed to viruses and other malicious code,
users themselves often have a choice whether they want to install
these programs. Anecdotal evidence suggests, and our study
confirms, that some users are willing to install spyware when the
desired application is of perceived high utility and a comparable
product without spyware is not available or known to the user
Copyright is held by the author/owner. Permission to make digital o
hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is
granted without fee.
Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2005, July 6-8,
2005, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
[21]. Our goals in this study are to understand the factors and
user’s decision making process in installing spyware.
During installation, users are presented with notices such as
software agreements, terms of service (TOS), end user licensing
agreements (EULA), and security warnings. Based on
information in these notices, users should, in theory, be able to
make a decision about whether to install the software and evaluate
the potential consequences of that decision. However, there is a
general perception that these notices are ineffective. One software
provider included a $1000 cash prize offer in the EULA that was
displayed during each software installation, yet the prize was only
claimed after 4 months and 3,000 downloads of the software [16].
In this paper, we discuss a study of users installing five real world
applications in a near natural laboratory setting. The aim of this
ecological study is an in-depth understanding of users’ actions and
motivations when faced with installation decisions on applications
that may contain spyware. In particular, we seek to understand
the influence of the form and content of notices (e.g., EULAs).
The purpose of our study is neither to create a new standard for
notices, nor to evaluate the effectiveness of various language
terms. Rather, our goal is to determine the effect of different
notice conditions on a user installation decisions and their
knowledge of the privacy and security consequences.
Our study highlights the fact that eliminating spyware is not only
a technical challenge. There are also legal, social, economic and
human factors to consider, and none of these factors can be
examined in isolation.
In Section 2, we provide background information about spyware.
In Section 3, we present a summary of related work. We describe
our experimental design in Section 4 and the study results in
Section 5. Finally, we present our conclusions in Section 6 and
plans for future work in Section 7.
2.1 Definition of Spyware
A fundamental problem is the lack of a standard definition of
spyware. Two particularly contested issues are the range of
software behaviors that should be included in the definition and
the degree of user consent that is desirable.
First, some prefer a narrow definition that focuses on the
surveillance aspects of spyware and its ability to collect, store and
communicate information about users and their behavior. Others
use a broad definition that includes adware (software that displays
advertising), toolbars, search tools, hijackers (software that
redirects web traffic or replaces web content with unexpected or
unwanted content) and dialers (programs that redirect a computer
or a modem to dial a toll phone number). Definitions for spyware
also include hacker tools for remote access and administration,
keylogging and cracking passwords.
Second, there is limited agreement on the legitimacy of spyware
that engages in behavior such as targeting advertisements,
installing programs on user machines and collecting click stream
data. Users consider a wide range of programs that present
spyware-like functionality unacceptable. To complicate the
definition, certain software behaviors are acceptable in some
contexts but not others (e.g., keylogging software installed on an
adult’s private computer without consent may be unacceptable,
while parental control software may be desired). Furthermore,
there is concern over user notice and consent (e.g., in EULA or
ToS) required during an installation process. The practice of
bundling software, which merges spyware with unrelated
programs, also heightens this concern.
2.2 Anti-Spyware Legislation
Spyware legislation is currently under consideration in 27 U.S.
States as well as in the U.S. Congress. The state proposals vary
widely in their breadth of protection, the types of software they
address, and the justifications they assert for State action.
highlights of proposed legislation in Utah, for example, include
“prohibit[ing] spyware from delivering advertisements to a
computer under certain circumstances… requiring spyware to
provide removal procedures… [and] require[ing] the [State]
Division of Consumer Protection to collect complaints.”
legislation, in contrast, is more concerned with “protect[ing] users
of the Internet from unknowing transmission of their personally
identifiable information through spyware programs.”
The distinction between these proposals is representative of the
myriad approaches in proposed legislation and indicates a lack of
a common baseline understanding of the problem. For example,
there is confusion about the applicability of current law to
different types of spyware.
Spyware is an interstate and
international problem that could benefit from a common
approach, based on a thorough analysis of the spyware problem.
One of the goals of our research is to contribute to a better
understanding of this problem and to a more thoughtful solution.
2.3 Anti-Spyware Technology
Anti-spyware vendors use a combination of objective
categorization and scoring approaches to decide whether to
include a program in their removal engine. Other criteria include
a history of unacceptable behavior, the quality of notice provided
to users, and expert and user opinions
Anti-spyware vendors make many individual choices about what
to do with suspected spyware programs. They can choose to
remove them, ignore them or notify the user. Because users
choose to install applications that bundle spyware, simply deleting
all suspected programs may inadvertently cause desired
applications to break. For this reason, many anti-spyware vendors
inform users about possible threats, but ultimately give the
consumer control over what is to be removed.
Moll, David C. “State of Spyware Q1 2005.” Available at
&docid=134901&view=134901, pp. 64-68.
H.B. 323 “Spyware Regulation.” 2004 General Session, State of
H.R. 29 In the House of Representatives. 109
Congress, 1
Session, January 9, 2004.
Current actions based on existing laws include the FTC suing
Seismic Entertainment Productions,, Inc. and
Sanford Wallace; the FTC seeking and receiving a Temporary
Restraining Order against the producers of Spyware Assassin;
and New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer filing the first
civil action against a Spyware provider (Intermix Media, Inc.)
accusing the company of installing software without users’
knowledge that produced pop-up ads and destabilized
computers. See Press Release, Office of New York State
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, available at
Examples of anti-spyware include Ad-Aware (,
Pest Patrol (, Spybot (
and Webroot ( Note, however, that there are
numerous anti-spyware programs with questionable or even
malicious functionality (see:
Spyware researchers can be informed by prior work in many
fields. For the purposes of this study, we focus on related work
that examines user behavior and the design and improvement of
notice to the user.
3.1 Privacy Attitudes and User Behavior
Consumers often lack knowledge about risks and modes of
technical and legal protection [3]. For example, a recent
AOL/NSCA study showed that users are unaware of the amount
of spyware installed on their computers and its origin [5]. A
related example is a study on the use of filesharing clients that
shows that users are often unaware that they are sharing sensitive
information with other users [12].
Users also differ in their level of privacy sensitivity. Cranor et. al.
[8] found that consumers fall generally into one of three
categories: privacy fundamentalists, privacy pragmatists, and the
marginally concerned. Other research shows that the pragmatic
group’s attitudes differ towards the collection of personally
identifying information and information to create non-identifying
user profiles [18] and can be distinguished with respect to concern
towards offline and online identity [3]. Users also show great
concern towards bundling practices and the involvement of third
parties in a transaction [3][8].
Experimental research demonstrates that user behavior does not
always align with stated privacy preferences [3][18]. Users are
willing to trade off their privacy and/or security for small
monetary gains (e.g., a free program) or product recommendations
[3][18]. Moreover, Acquisti and Grossklags [3] report evidence
that users are more likely to discount future privacy/security
losses if presented with an immediate discount on a product.
Consumers may also accept offers more often when benefits and
costs are difficult to compare and descriptions are provided in
ambiguous and uncertain terms [4].
3.2 Online Privacy Notices
EULAs, TOS and some privacy policies present complex legal
information. Research shows, however, that complexity of
notices hampers users’ ability to understand such agreements. For
example, Jensen and Pott [15] studied a sample of 64 privacy
policies from high traffic and health care websites. They found
that policies’ format, location on the website and legal content
severely limit users’ ability to make informed decisions.
One attempt to improve users’ ability to make informed decisions
is the Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) [16]. Under
this standard, websites’ policies are expressed in a predefined
grammar and vocabulary. Ackerman and Cranor [1] explored
ways to provide user assistance in negotiating privacy policies
using semi-autonomous agents to interact with P3P enabled sites.
Another system [7] encourages users to create several P3P-
enabled identity profiles to address information usage patterns and
privacy concerns for different types of online interactions.
3.3 Multi-layered Notices
Research on product labeling and hazard warnings (see, for
example, [14]) focuses on improving the efficiency of consumer
This research has influenced the formulation of
The debate over labeling and notice is also taking place in the
area of Digital Rights Management (DRM). DRM systems limit
a consumer’s ability to share copyright protected content
through digital media software and hardware features. Users
implicitly agree to these limits when purchasing DRM equipped
alternative notice concepts. For example, researchers from the
Center for Information Policy Leadership call for statements in
short, everyday language that are available in a common easy-to-
read format
. However, they also caution that legal requirements
require companies to provide complete notices that do not fit this
standard (see, for example, [1]). They propose a multi-layered
notice with a minimum of two notices that first provide a
summary at the top level, increasing detail at the lower layers, and
the complete, detailed notice as a final layer. The layering should
include a short notice (also called condensed notice or highlights)
that provides the most important information in a consistent
format, including the parties involved, contact information, and
the type of data collected and the uses for which it is intended.
There is varying governmental support for layered notices. For
example, the European Union has taken concrete steps towards a
layered notice model.
In the United States, the Department of
Health and Human Services has encouraged entities covered by
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
to prepare such notices [13]. However, despite public
, there is no broad consensus for the financial
industry pursuant to the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act [1].
3.4 Notification Systems
A number of researchers are studying the effects of notification
systems in computing. Examples of systems include instant
messaging, user status updates, email alerts, and news and stock
tickers. This research examines the nature of interruptions and
people’s cognitive responses to work-disruptive influences.
Notification systems commonly use visualization techniques to
increase information availability while limiting loss of users’
focus on primary tasks [6][9][20].
We conducted an ecological study of users installing five real
world applications. Our goal is to examine the factors that
contribute to users decisions to install applications that contain
spyware. In particular, we seek to understand how the form and
content of notices affects users’ decisions to install spyware and
their knowledge of the privacy and security consequences. The
goals of our investigation required us to observe user actions as
they installed actual programs with bundled spyware.
products. Some consumer advocates believe this kind of implicit
notice is not adequate to alert consumers to the reduced
functionality of the product they are purchasing. In 2003 Reps
Boucher (D-VA), Lofgren (D-CA) and Brownback (R-KS)
introduced the Consumers, Schools and Libraries Digital Rights
Management Awareness Act which attempted to increase
consumer DRM rights.
P3P clearly shares the same goals, however, with a somewhat
complementary solution process.
The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party (an independent
advisory body set up under Article 29 of Directive 95/46/EC)
outlined this approach in the November 25, 2004 Opinion on
More Harmonised Information Provisions Available at:
See notes from a public workshop to discuss how to provide
effective notice under the GLB Act: Get Noticed: Effective
Financial Privacy Notices, (Dec. 4 2001) at
An alternative design would be to record users’ actions on their
own machines over some period of time and ask users questions
about the types of programs they installed. However, this
approach is error-prone, as it depends upon users correctly
remembering and commenting on their actions. Furthermore, it
raises substantial privacy concerns for the users.
An audit of user machines (e.g., the methodology employed in the
Earthlink spyware audit [10]) would allow us to discover the
programs on user machines, however it would not provide a way
to study the reasons for their behavior. The advantages of the
ecological study approach is that we were able to obtain sufficient
data, observe all interactions with the software, gather qualitative
data about the decision-making process during and after
installation and maintain consistency across subjects.
4.1 Experiment Construction
4.1.1 Applications Used in the Experiment
As part of our ecological study, we selected five applications that
users could download. Each contained bundled software or
functionality that monitored user’s actions or displayed ads. The
criteria we used in selecting our programs were:
1) the program must have a legitimate and desirable function;
2) the program must have included or bundled functionality that
may be averse to a given user’s privacy/security preferences;
3) the product must have a pre-installation notice of terms that
the user must consent to in order to install the application.
Additionally, we wanted the programs to reflect the range of
behavior, functionality and reputation that users encounter while
installing applications in the real world. We selected some
programs that had explicit opt-out options (e.g., Google Toolbar
and Edonkey) and some that did not have explicit opt out options
(e.g., KaZaA and Weatherscope). In addition, we wanted to
include programs that bundled multiple applications (e.g., Kazaa)
and a program that claims it does not bundle software or
functionality (i.e., Webshots).
We did not control for brand reputation. In fact, we wanted to
understand how reputation and prior experience influenced user
decision making. For this reason, we also chose programs from
brands that enjoyed a good reputation, such as Google, to those
that have received substantial negative press, such as KaZaA. In
the end, we chose Google Toolbar, Webshots, Weatherscope,
KaZaA and Edonkey as the test applications.
Importantly, while these applications bundle functionality that
could be adverse to users’ privacy and security preferences, we do
not claim nor did we suggest to participants that any of them
contain spyware. The disclosures and consent procedures can be
integral to whether a program is considered spyware or not, both
by end users and by anti-spyware vendors. Therefore, our
research intentionally included software that users would unlikely
consider to be spyware (e.g., Google Toolbar).
4.1.2 Experiment Scenario
In order to motivate our users to make a decision to install or not
install a given program, we created a scenario for users to follow.
We wanted to provide users with a reason to install the programs,
but we also wanted to ensure that they were not obligated to
install any programs. We thus created the following instructions:
Imagine that a friend (or relative) has asked you to help
set up this computer. The computer already has the most
popular office applications installed. Your friend wants
additional functionality and is considering installing other
Here is a quote from your friend: ”Here are some
programs that were recommended to me by my friends.
Since you know more about computers than me, can you
install the ones you think are appropriate?”
If users decided to install a program, they could double click on
the program’s installation icon and strep through the program
installation and configuration. They could decide at any time to
cancel the installation and go on to the next program.
4.1.3 Notice Conditions
We wished to examine whether different types of notices would
affect a user’s decision to install a program. We were also
interested in capturing if users were aware of each type of notice,
and their recall of the notice after installation. We chose three
different types of notices. Below we describe the characteristics
of each notice condition.
Notice Condition 1 - EULA Only
The first notice condition is a control treatment consisting of only
the original EULAs and notices that are included in each program.
This notice condition represents what most users would see when
they install a program downloaded from the internet.
Figure 1 EULA for Webshots
Notice Condition 2 - Microsoft SP2 Short Notice + EULA
In addition to the EULA included in each individual program, the
second notice condition includes a short warning from Microsoft
that is displayed when users begin the installation. This warning
is included with Windows XP Service Pack 2, and is provided for
all programs that are downloaded from the web. If available, the
notification includes a link to the publisher information as well as
links to privacy policy information. The purpose of this notice
condition is to test if a commonplace heightened-notice practice,
active by default, will affect installation behavior.
Figure 2 Microsoft Windows XP SP2 Warning
Notice Condition 3 - Customized Short Notice + EULA
The third notice condition consists of a layered notice: a
customized short notice in addition to the EULA included in each
individual program. In this notice condition, the short Microsoft
warnings shown in notice condition 2 were disabled. Users were
instead presented with a window that provides specific
information about each program (see Figure 3). When users
reached the portion of the installation program that showed the
EULA, this window appeared in the forefront of the EULA
automatically. We describe how we decided on the content and
presentation of these short notices in more detail below.
Figure 3 WeatherScope Customized Short Notice
4.1.4 Creating the Short Notices
As noted above, there exists considerable legal and computer
security literature that deals with short notices. The actual content
that a short notice should contain is slightly different in each
proposal, but they all recommend that the most relevant
information should be presented clearly and concisely. The EU
model suggests that the condensed notice should contain all the
relevant information to ensure people are well-informed about
their rights and choices
. The key points of a short notice are that
they should use language and layout that are easy to understand,
and they should include:
- The name of the company
- The purpose of the data processing
- The recipients or categories of recipients of the data
- Whether replies to questions are obligatory or voluntary,
as well as the possible consequences of failure to reply
- The possibility of transfer to third parties
- The right to access, to rectify and oppose
The purpose of our study is neither to create a new standard for
short notices, nor to evaluate the effectiveness of various language
terms. Rather, our goal is to determine if any short notice would
have an effect on a user’s installation decisions. For this reason,
we chose to emphasize the aspects of a EULA that were
consistent with users expressed privacy/security preferences, such
as items describing third party access to information and the
impact on machine performance (slow down, crashing, popups,
etc.). We borrowed heavily from existing recommendations when
appropriate, using a simple layout, bullet points and easy to
understand language. We created a series of five generic
privacy/security questions, which we answered for each program
in the notice. An example short notice is shown in Figure 3:
We derived the content for each short notice by examining the
TOS and EULA for each program, and answered each of the five
questions described above using consistent language across
notices. Our aim was to include information that those skilled in
the art would know or be able to infer about the program by
installing it.
Information about uninstalling programs is also important to
users, however we did not include this in our short descriptions. It
is difficult to articulate how easily a program can be removed, and
we lacked the detailed technical knowledge about each individual
program to determine what is actually removed by uninstalling the
program. However, we thought it would be valuable to capture
user capabilities in detecting and uninstalling software using
common Microsoft Windows tools. Therefore, we included
related questions in a post-installation survey. In future work, we
will look more closely at user behavior in the uninstall process.
4.1.5 Surveys and Post Study Interview
We expected that users may be influenced by a multitude of
individual preferences and strategies when installing software.
For example, some participants might be driven by a positive
prior experience with a program or company, while others may be
primarily influenced by a program’s functionality. To gain
greater insight into the considerations affecting installation
decisions, we interviewed each user after the study. Each
interview was a mix of standardized surveys and in depth open-
ended questions that lasted between 35 and 60 minutes.
5.1 Participant Demographics
Our user sample consisted of 31 participants: 14 males and 17
females recruited by a university recruiting service that were
comprised of university undergraduates. All used the Windows
Opinion on More Harmonised Information Provisions.
Available at
operating system on their home computer, and 24 of them
maintained their computer at home themselves. 14 participants
had an age of under 20, 16 were aged between 20 and 25. They
spent an average of 26 hours a week on their home computer (std.
dev. of 12), and 2.5 hours a week on work computers (std. dev. of
5.2 Installation Decisions
5.2.1 What factors contributed to participants’
decision to install programs?
One of the goals of performing an ecological study is to observe
user behavior installing programs in a near-natural setting. It
allowed us to ask questions about their motivations and actions.
We observed whether users paid attention to EULAs, and if so,
what particular information they obtained or sought. Other factors
we examined are why participants installed programs, and what
process they followed. We discovered that our participants shared
general concerns about what is installed and the effect it has on
their computer. Participants varied widely in their installation
5.2.2 Install Process
Participants’ reasons for installing programs varied. Some
participants only installed applications that they felt comfortable
with. Other participants installed everything with the intention of
checking out unknown programs and uninstalling them later. The
following categories demonstrate some of the main strategies we
observed (we note that we do not consider this to be an exhaustive
list of all possible user motivations or to be representative of the
general population):
Install first, ask questions later: These participants generally
installed all programs at once, with the intention of examining
them in greater detail later. They tended to consider themselves
computer savvy, with the ability to remove or configure programs
after installation to avoid adverse affects to their machine. They
felt sufficiently familiar with the installation process and tended to
click through each screen very quickly.
Once Bitten, Twice Shy: These participants were somewhat
computer savvy, but they were influenced by past negative
experiences. One participant had recently been a victim of a
phishing attack, while another had a program “totally cripple” her
laptop. They have had past computers crash or become
inoperable because of rogue programs or viruses and often lost
data. These users tended to be overly cautious, and they chose to
install applications only if they felt those applications were
absolutely required. They typically skimmed EULAs and
programs’ information for key phrases such as “ads,” “GAIN,” or
“popups” to avoid choices that would potentially be harmful.
Curious, feature-based: These participants were primarily
interested in potentially new and interesting features delivered by
the selection of programs. They would only install an application
if it was popular or offered something that they would want or
need. These users would typically install a program such as
WeatherScope because they thought it was “cool” and “useful.”
Computer-Phobic: These participants were generally wary of
anything that had to do with installing programs or configuring a
computer. They sought assistance from their friends or other
experts when they had problems, and they would generally
request help with any install. One participant mentioned that her
father was a savvy computer user and “passed on paranoia” to her.
They were generally very concerned with any warning that
popped up, and were reluctant to install anything.
5.2.3 Installation Concerns
Our participants shared a range of common concerns about
installing software. They are listed in order of importance in our
sample below:
1) Functionality (>80%) – A large majority of participants
who expressed some form of concern were primarily
interested in the functionality of the application. By
functionality, they mean convenience, lack of other
alternatives, its “cool factor” (direct quote) and its
purpose. Participants were most interested in programs
that are “necessary,” “helpful,” or “convenient, easy to
use” and would add some “aesthetics.”
2) Popups (~60%) – popup advertising was the second
largest concern out of our participants, across all
categories of users. Many users had strong reactions to
them. “I hate them!” was a reaction echoed by several
participants. Many were extremely reluctant to install a
program that had popup advertising or seemed like it
would. One participant stopped an installation after she
saw the word “GAIN,” which reminded her of Gator, a
company that had put advertising on her machine
3) Crashing their machine, computer performance (~30%)
– Some participants were worried that programs would
crash their machine, take up space, or cause their
machine to be unstable. This was especially a concern
with the ‘Once Bitten, Twice Shy’ participants.
4) Installing additional software (~15%) – Participants
were concerned about software that installed additional
programs. “I don’t want a lot of junk on my computer”
remarked one user. “Junk” was classified as additional
programs that ran in the background, that changed
homepages, slowed the machine, caused it to crash
and/or served ads.
5) Monetary cost (~10%) – Some users were concerned
that they may be eventually charged later for software
they installed, even though they did not enter any credit
card information.
6) Sends information (<5%) – Our participants never
directly mentioned privacy concerns as a reason to not
install a program, but several mentioned that they would
be wary of programs that collected personal information
because they thought it would lead to spam or more ads
on their machine. They referred to personally
identifiable information such as email addresses.
5.2.4 What did users install?
We were curious what effect notice had on users installing
programs. As discussed above, we ran three notice conditions on
31 subjects. We observed their behavior and asked them
questions about their actions. A breakdown of subjects is
included in
Table 1.
Table 1 Breakdown of subjects by notice condition
Number of Subjects
Control (EULA Only)
Generic Microsoft + EULA
Short Notice + EULA
Table 2 indicates that additional notice (in the form of the generic
Microsoft warning or the short notice) had only a marginal impact
on the total number of installations (by ~10%, p >.1). However,
the post-interview process showed that participants felt better
informed in the notice condition 3 (short notice). In the following
we describe in more detail their reactions to notice condition 2
(generic Microsoft notice) and notice condition 3 (short notice).
Table 2 Total Installs for per notice condition
Installs by notice
Control (EULA only)
36 (72%)
Generic Microsoft + EULA
31 (62%)
Short Notice + EULA
35 (63%)
Table 3 Number of participants that could remember
additional notices
to have seen
an additional
the content of
the additional
for whom the
notice affected
their decision
to install
6 of 10 8 of 10 4 of 10
11 of 11 10 of 11 7 of 11
17 of 21 18 of 21 11 of 21
5.2.5 Generic Microsoft Notice + EULA
Table 3 reproduces the number of participants that could
remember seeing the generic Microsoft notice (60%), that could
remember some content of the notice (80% with additional
probing) and remember that it had some effect on their decision to
install (40%). Some participants found the generic notices to be
useful; particularly if the generic warning indicated to users that
there was no known publisher. One participant stated “Edonkey
didn’t look good. The notice said ‘unknown publisher’, so I chose
not to install it.” However, none of the participants clicked on the
link that provided more information about the publisher if the
publisher’s identity was known. Several users instinctively
clicked through the notices without even reading them. When
asked if they saw them, they said no, but when prompted with a
blurred version of the notice they said, for example, that they have
seen similar notices in the past. One participant mentioned that “it
asked you whether or not you wanted to download it, [and] gave
the company name, info and licensing agent.”
5.2.6 Short Notice + EULA
Table 3 shows that all participants could remember having seen
the short notice, and that 91% could remember some details of
their content. 64% stated that the short notice influenced their
decision to install the programs. Participants were generally
enthusiastic about the short notices we created. One user wanted
to know where we got it, because he wanted to use it at home.
Others remarked that they “were amazing,” and that they would
“love to see this, it would be really awesome!” When further
prompted for reasons to use this kind of short notices, this
participant remarked “I personally wonder how many people just
install stuff [without thinking], wouldn’t be surprised if it was the
majority.” Others stated that they used the information in the
short notices to compare programs and assist their decision. One
user said “the pop-up windows said the programs were no good,
[and I] might not have known without them”.
Most participants were able to recall parts of the content of the
short notices as well. They mostly recalled the issues that they
were most concerned about (e.g., pop-ups and system
performance). Several users were concerned about information
transfers to third-parties, and some mentioned that the information
in the short notices “surprised them.”
Despite the positive reactions, some users simply ignored them as
well. Despite stating in the post-interview that they would like
“clear and concise” information, they made comments such as, “It
is hard to say if I would read them [short EULAs] even if you
flashed IMPORTANT at the top. After the third or fourth one I
wouldn’t read and it would be easy to skip.”
5.2.7 What programs were installed most?
For each notice condition we were also interested in what
programs users installed. We saw that the Google Toolbar was
the most often installed among all sets, whereas Weatherscope
ranked last. Main reasons for this effect were brand recognition
and prior experience. Users mentioned, for example, that Google
“was a trusted brand name” and that they “thought Google toolbar
did a good job at blocking popups.”
Table 4 Installation frequency by notice condition
Kazaa Edonkey Webshots Weather
Generic +
Short +
Weatherscope was rarely installed because it reminded users of a
similar program called “Weatherbug,” which was universally
disliked because “it had too many popups” and it “crashed my
machine.” Users also mentioned that the benefits that are
associated with programs such as Weatherscope or Weatherbug
did not outweigh the higher cost of dealing with popup
advertisements. A user remarked “you can go to if
you really want to check the weather, and then you don’t have to
deal with any popups.” Details are reported in Table 4.
5.2.8 FileSharing as a "must-have” application
We discovered that among our user population and demographic,
filesharing was a “must-have” application. Although users
typically installed only one filesharing application, 23 of the 31
users felt that they should have at least one filesharing application.
Users mentioned that filesharing applications were “very useful”
and something that “everyone should have.” However, in
choosing the filesharing application to install, users frequently
tried to determine which application would be less intrusive on
their machine. Some users used the short notices to compare
filesharing applications by what they said, while others were
influenced by the fact that one was “trusted” (as indicated in the
generic Microsoft warnings for KaZaa) and the other was
”unknown” (and therefore less trustworthy). Overall, more users
installed eDonkey over KaZaA not because they knew about it,
but because many of the users had negative experiences with
KaZaA and would not install it again. User complained that “it
crashed my machine”, “I had to reinstall everything again,” and
that “it had too many popups.”
Table 5 Users who didn't install a Filesharing Application
Notice condition Didn’t install one
Filesharing program
(EULA Only)
Generic + EULA
Short notice + EULA
5.2.9 Vague short notices can also lead users to
assume false security
An interesting result discovered in the installation process was the
higher number of installations for KaZaA in the short notice case
as opposed to the control case (see Table 4). In talking with
participants about their choice to install or not, we discovered that
they were more likely to install KaZaA instead of Edonkey
because it “didn’t seem as bad.” This case was especially
pronounced in the case of the short notices because users typically
wanted to install one or the other, and used the information in
them to determine which one to install. This was interesting
because Edonkey actually disclosed more, and gave users the
option to opt-out of certain instances, whereas KaZaA did not
have that option. However, in creating our short notices, we had
to follow what was stated in the EULA, which for KaZaA was
vaguer than Edonkey. In this case, providing vague information
created an impression of increased security.
5.3 Knowledge of Contract Terms
5.3.1 Did Users Look at EULAs?
Participants generally ignored EULAs. Drive-by installers were
especially adept at clicking through installation screens extremely
quickly. Some users went through this process so quickly that
they did not even remember clicking through the short notices and
the Microsoft warnings as they popped up. One drive-by
participant remarked that “[t]he process is so standard, there is
nothing to influence [your decision] to install or not. I just use all
the default options and configure it later if I am going to keep it.”
5.3.2 EULAs and TOS as legally binding documents
Our participants were generally ambivalent towards the EULAs
and TOS in the software they installed. Table 6 shows that while
almost all participants were aware that they were agreeing to a set
of terms by installing the software (30 of 31), they were generally
unable to recall the content of the agreement (8 of 31), and it
rarely influenced their decision to install a program (6 of 31). The
participants who did recall contents of the EULA remarked that it
was generally about information that referred to the software
product itself, such as “copyright notices”, “company policies”, or
“reverse engineering the product or using it for unintended
purposes.” Almost none of the participants, including the more
computer savvy ‘Install first, ask questions later’ users, had any
idea that the content of the EULAs and TOS actually discussed
applications that would be installed, data that would be collected,
and companies that would access their data. There seems to be a
strong disconnect between user expectations of EULA content and
actual EULA content. One user summed up this confusion by
stating “They should have notices to show what they are really
installing on the computer. They trick you [into] thinking it is just
a license agreement, [you] hit OK, and then you get an advertising
bar or a lot of junk!”
Table 6 Noticing EULAs
aware that the
EULA was a
who had an
idea of what
the agreement
for whom the
EULA affected
their decision
to install
10 of 10 2 of 10 3 of 10
10 of 10 5 of 10 2 of 10
10 of 11 1 of 11 1 of 11
30 of 31 8 of 31 6 of 31
5.3.3 EULAs and TOS appearance
A great deal of anecdotal evidence and research suggests that the
current design of EULAs and TOS makes them inaccessible to
users. Our participants confirmed this verbally as well. They
stated that the “font was too small,” they were “too long” and
“full of legal mumbo-jumbo.” A few users had read parts of
EULAs carefully on one occasion, but eventually gave up on
reading them due to lack of brevity. Our participants had several
suggestions about how license presentations can be improved, but
most notably they wanted them “shorter, easier to read and in very
accessible language.” One participant stated that she would like
to see something “that would tell you exactly what you want to
know. [It would] provide a summary first, bold whatever is
important, bold what is in the software, who is using it, and say if
it is safe to download.”
5.4 Regretting Installation Decisions
We were interested in learning if users would change their mind
about programs once they were informed about the actual contents
of the package they installed. We showed the short notices to all
users at the end of the survey to determine whether users read
them earlier (this applies to the short notice condition only) and if
users thought the notices would have influenced their installation
decisions (applies to all notice conditions). Users were asked to
read each of the short notices carefully, and to decide whether
they would like to reverse their earlier decision to install or not to
install. Such regret or disappointment materializes if an earlier
decision appears to be flawed in retrospect, and/or when the
obtained result does not match prior expectations [11].
We found that regret was highest with Weatherscope and the
filesharing programs. In addition, users were generally happier
with their decision not to install these programs after reading our
short EULAs. User regret generally stemmed from popups,
performance issues, and the potential disclosure of private
information to third parties. Some users were upset, stating “I
didn’t install that!”, while others were surprised at the extent of
information collection they had agreed to by installing and using
certain programs. Users remarked that they would remove
programs that had popups “If I had known this had popups I
wouldn’t have installed it.”
5.4.1 Regret With Filesharing Applications
Despite the regret that some users had for filesharing programs,
many indicated that they would still install them. One user who
expressed regret at her decision to install eDonkey said “if all free
music programs do this, and I can’t find anything better then I’m
going to install it. For a free photo program it might not be worth
it, but for free music it is.” Another user added “I really don’t like
that it adds other software, but I would still keep it because
filesharing is worth it.”
5.4.2 Regret with Trusted Sources
In the case of Google Toolbar, the program with the greatest
brand recognition among our users, the reasons for uninstalling
were related to performance and space issues, rather than concerns
with privacy or computer security issues. One user indicated that
he “didn’t want another thing in their browser window” and that
they liked to keep the minimum amount of programs running at
any given time.
5.4.3 Regret across notice conditions
We studied the degree of participant regret over an installation
decision in relation to each notice condition. We expected that
users would experience less regret when they were better
informed (i.e., additionally being provided with a short notice or a
generic Microsoft notice). In fact, participants verbally indicated
that especially the short notices had a substantial effect on their
decision to install or not. Compared to the control notice
condition, participants experienced regret about 15% less often
than in the notice conditions with short notices and generic
Microsoft warnings (however, this effect is not significant in an
ANOVA (p<.05)).
The set of programs included in our study included applications
that the community of our participants had deemed generally
“useful,” that is they had a high install rate and low regret rate and
were generally positively commented upon (e.g., Google). The
study also included other programs that our community deemed
“not useful,” that is they had a low install rate and a higher regret
rate. We divided the applications into two groups, “useful” and
“not useful,” and examined user regret across each notice
condition. The “good” applications consisted of Google and
Webshots, and the “bad” applications consisted of Edonkey and
Weatherscope. Google toolbar was the highest trusted
application, with 93% of users installing it, and 83% of the people
deciding to keep it after reading the short notice in the post-study
interview. Weatherscope was on the other end of the spectrum,
with just 47% of the recipients choosing to install it overall and
only 1 user out of 31 choosing to keep it.
Table 7 Installation Regret per Notice condition (Number of
installations regretted)
installing it
Regretted not
19 (52%) 2
Short notice
13 (37%) 2
Generic notice
11 (35%) 0
We found (see Table 8) that users in the two notice conditions had
lower levels of regret compared to the control condition for both:
“useful” and “not useful” applications. Results between these
notice conditions were not statistically significant, but supported
by participant comments in the post-study interview.
Table 8 Regret for “useful” versus “not useful” applications
Regretted install
Regretted install
“not useful”
6 13
Short notice
6 5
Generic notice
1 9
We also studied whether the different notice conditions influenced
users by preventing them from installing applications that were
deemed “not useful” by the community. Table 9 shows that the
number of “not useful” installs is similar for both the short and
generic notices, and 6-7 programs less compared to the control
case. Participants also installed more programs that the
community considered “useful” in the short notice case, but fewer
programs in the generic case. This may be due to the ‘warning’
rather than ‘informing’ character of the generic Microsoft notice
that may have scared participants away.
Table 9 Installation of “useful” versus “not useful”
Installed “not
18 15
Short notice
21 8
Generic notice
16 9
5.5 Limitations of Our Study
Our study was limited to a small sample of students. Participants
were very young, mostly female and relatively computer savvy.
Therefore, our study is not an accurate representation of the larger
population. We further expect that a different selection of
programs could have influenced our results. However, every
possible alternative choice of program would have a certain brand
recognition and emotional loading associated with it (e.g., higher
or lower likelihood that users had a positive prior experience).
Our experimental protocol was aimed to make the individual
observations of participants as comparable as possible. Our intent
was to test assumptions about notice and spyware, and use the
results to help inform future studies.
Our study indicates that while notice is important, notice alone
may not have a strong effect on users’ decision to install an
application. We discovered that users generally knew they were
agreeing to a contract when clicking through a EULA screen.
However, we found that users have limited understanding of
EULA content and little desire to read lengthy notices. When
users were informed of the actual contents of the EULAs to which
they agreed, we found that users often regretted their installation
Although short notices did improve understanding of the
consequences of the installation, they did not have a statistically
significant effect on installation. While more tests and subjects
will help to explore these results, we feel that our data show that
improved notices alone may not be enough to inform users and
match their actual privacy preferences to the software they install.
In addition, we found that functionality is the most important part
of an application for many users, although it is not the only factor
they use to make a decision. Regardless of the bundled content,
users will often install the application if they believe the utility is
high enough.
It may be tempting to interpret our results to claim that users do
not care about privacy, especially when the utility of a software
application is high for a particular user. However, we discovered
that privacy and security become important factors when choosing
between two applications with similar functionality. Given two
similar programs (e.g., KaZaA and Edonkey), consumers will
choose the one they believe to be less invasive and more stable.
We also found that providing vague information in EULAs and
short notices can create an unwarranted impression of increased
security. This places increased importance on the accuracy and
presentation of the information that users consult to make their
installation decisions. In these cases, it may be helpful to have a
standardized format for assessing the possible options and trade-
offs between applications.
In future work, we will experiment with other mechanisms to
inform and provide transparency to users. We plan to perform a
more controlled experiment on notice, for example, by removing
the influence of brand recognition. Our ecological study provides
a foundation on which to base such complementary research. One
further approach is to investigate the use of trusted third parties to
provide notice information to consumers. Another area of
research is to explore the trade-offs between software features and
privacy preferences.
We would like to thank our study participants, UC Berkeley’s
Haas School of Business X-lab for use of their facilities, the
School of Information Management and Systems for providing
equipment and support, and the Samuelson Law, Technology, and
Public Policy Clinic for funding our research. We thank Nicolas
Christin and Jack Lerner for many helpful suggestions.
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