Copyright 2022 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc. 1
Common App counselor recommendation CR
Student section
After completing this section, send this form to your secondary/high school counselor or another school official. If applying via mail, please
also provide your school official stamped envelopes addressed to each college.
Student details
Legal name
First/given Middle Last/family/sur (Enter name exactly as it appears on official documents.) Suffix
Date of birth
Email CAID (Common App ID)
Number and street Apartment number City/town
County State/province Country ZIP/postal code
Current or most recent secondary/high school CEEB code
Counselor section
The counselor recommendation lets you share unique insights about your student. You may submit this form at any time. Keep in mind that not
every college requires the counselor recommendation. Refer to the requirements grid for information about which colleges use this form.
Counselor details
Middle initial Last/family/sur Suffix
Title Phone
Include country code, number, and extension (if applicable)
Include country code, number, and extension (if applicable)
School details
School name CEEB code Website
Number and street City/town
County State/province Country ZIP/postal code
How long have you known this student and in what context?
What are the first words that come to your mind to describe this student?
Please attach a short evaluation (1000 words or less) that will help colleges differentiate this student from others. We especially welcome a
broad-based assessment and encourage you to consider describing or addressing:
The student's academic, extracurricular, and personal characteristics.
Relevant context for the student's performance and involvement, such as particularities of family situation or after-school obligations,
either positive or negative.
Observed problematic behaviors, perhaps separable from academic performance, that an admission committee should explore further.
Counselor evaluations often provide invaluable context to a student's application. We recognize, however, that you may not be able to provide
one. If you will not be providing a personal written evaluation, please check the box below to inform our member institutions that you will not
supply a written evaluation.
I will not be sending an evaluation for this student.
If you wish to provide additional details, you may do so here:
Signature Date
Please send this form directly to each college admission office. Do not send this form to Common App.
Copyright 2022 The Common Application, Inc. | Property of The Common Application, Inc.