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Center for Ethical Organizational Cultures
Auburn University
Peyt on Manning and Ethical Leadership:%
Omaha and Peyback
One% Sunday% afternoon, as% fans watched% the% Denver Broncos play the% San Diego% Chargers for the%
ticket%to %the %AFC %Championship %game, a% media% buzz emerged around the call of% “Omaha.”
Quarterbacks% have% been% known% to% use% code% words% to% inform the% offensive% linemen% of the% next play.
A% few% years% ago, only% those% on% the% field% could% make% out what was% being% said% on% the% field. However,
due% to% changes% in% the% placement of television% camera microphones% and% the% fact that offensive%
linemen %are %required to %wear %microphones,%these %plays %can %be %heard %by %everyone% watching. The%
name% of Nebraska’s% largest city% was repeated% 44% times, generating% a% national discussion% around his%
use% of% the% word. During% the% game, the% term was% trending% on% Twitter, and several mass% media% outlets%
picked% up% the% story. The% next day% national morning shows, newspapers, and% magazines% including
ABC, The Wall Street Journal,%and Time featured stories on Peyton Manning’s call. The% city of Omaha
as% well as% businesses% that%have %“Omaha”%in %their %name %wrote %tweets expressing gratitude% and%
enthusiasm for% all the% attention. The% media% attention% had% a% marketing% impact of $10% million% for% the%
city% over% a% ten-day% period, which% was% broken% down% to% the% equivalent of $150,000% in% advertising for%
every% time% Manning% mentioned% Omaha.
Eight major businesses that call Omaha home% took note% of the% promotional possibilities. As% a result,
the %Greater %Omaha %Chamber %of %Commerce %organized %with %ConAgra %Foods,%First%National%Bank %of
Omaha, Mutual of Omaha, Omaha Steaks, Cox Communications, CenturyLink, Union% Pacific% railroad,
and DJ’s% Dugout Sports% Bar% & Grill to donate a% combined total of% $800 to Manning’s% charity, Peyback%
Foundation, for% each% time% he% called% out “Omaha” in% the% next weeks% AFC Championship% game. The%
Peyback Foundation, which% supports% schools% and% youth% programs in Peyton’s native New Orleans,
Louisiana, and Tennessee, received $24,800 from Manning’s 31% shout-outs% to% Omaha. This is the%
first time a% philanthropic% activity% of this% nature% has% occurred% in% the% NFL.
Peyton% Manning, who% comes% from a% family% of% quarterbacks, grew% up% in% New% Orleans, Louisiana,%
while% his father, Archie% Manning, was the% star quarterback for the% city’s% football team, the% Saints. He
and his% three brothers% grew up% with a% strong% set of% family% values% and were constantly% participating%
in competitive% sports. This% laid% the% foundation% for% Manning’s strong% work% ethic, professionalism,
and ethical leadership% as% he grew older. He achieved remarkable milestones as a high school
quarterback with% 7,207% passing yards% and% 92% touchdowns, and% led% the% team with% a record% of 34-5.
Top% football universities% were% eager% to% have% him on% their% team, and he chose to enroll at the
University of Tennessee. Mannings% apparent work% ethic% and% level-headedness% led% him to succeed%
both academically% and athletically, earning% enough% credits% to% graduate% and garnering% a% collegiate%
athletic% record% of 11,201% passing% yards, 863% complete% passes, and% 89% touchdowns by% his% junior%
This case was prepared% by Michelle Urban for and% under the direction of O.C. Ferrell and% Linda Ferrell. It was prepared% for
classroom discussion rather% than to illustrate either% effective or% ineffective handling% of an ad m inistrative, ethical, or% legal
decision% by management. All sources used% for this case were obtained% through% publicly available material. ©2014
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year. He was widely sought as the top draft pick for the NFL, but declined %offers %in %order to
complete% his% senior% year. The decision% served% him well, as% he% recorded% 3,819% yards% and% 36%
touchdowns in %addition to %receiving %the esteemed Sullivan% Awardan% award% given% to% top% college%
athletes% for% athletic% ability, character, and leadership. In %addition,%staying in %college %when %he %had a
lucrative %NFL %career %ahead %signaled %the %importance %of %education to %others.%After %graduation,%
Manning signed% with the %Indianapolis% Colts,%as %the %NFL’s %number %one %draft%pick in 1998.
In %his %time %with %the %Colts,%Manning %led %the %team and set several regular% season% records. The% team
never% fared% well in the% post season, but Manning won several awards for his leadership.%He %was
recognized by% the %annual%Associated %Press %poll%of %50 %sports %writers %and %broadcasters %and was
deemed Most Valuable Player in the NFL for 2003, 2004,%2008, 2009,%and %2013, becoming% the% first
NFL player to receive the honor more than three times. In %2013,%he %was %recognized by Sports$
Illustrated as% “Sportsman% of% the Ye ar.”% Manning also% broke several NFL% records. For% instance, he% is%
the %only %quarterback in %NFL %history to %have %thrown %over %12,000 %yards in %his %first%three %seasons,%the
first to score 100% touchdowns% by% his% 56th% career% game,%and the %first%to %reach 400% touchdowns% faster%
than %any %other %player.% As% a% Colt, he% set the top %seven %totals %for %most%passing yards% in a% single season
and started in% 128 consecutive games.% In% 2007, the% Colts% made% it to% the% Super% Bowl and% won% the%
title %against%the %Chicago %Bears. Manning was named% MVP% for the game.% He led the Colts to the 2010
Super% Bowl, but lost to the% New Orleans% Saints.
The% next year Manning suffered% a neck injury that required% surgery and% was released% from his
contract with %the %Colts.%Many %other %football%teams %courted %Manning, and within% a% few weeks, he
signed% with% the% Denver% Broncos% for% $96% million. In %his %second %season %with %the Broncos, they% had a%
record% of 13-3% with% more than 47% touchdown% passes for Manning.% They also% earned the AFC
Championship Title, cementing a% place in% the Super% Bowl for% the first time in% 15 years. In %addition,%
Manning is currently the% nation’s% best-known% football player,%and %sponsors line %up to %endorse %him
because% of% his% wholesome personal life% and% strong% positive% influence% both% on% and% off the% field. At 37%
years% old, he% has% the% most lucrative% contract and best-selling% jersey. He% is% an% asset to% any% team that
he% plays% for% because% of his% reputation. His good example has been a% welcome% distraction% from the
bad media% the% NFL as% a% whole% has% received. Incidents% ranging from former% New% England% Patriots
tight%end,%Aaron %Hernandez’s %murder %charge, the %bullying %allegations %on %the %Miami%Dolphins %team,
and the %NFL’s settlement%regarding %head %trauma have% been% blights to %the %NFL.%
Since% joining% the% Broncos, the% team is% ranked as% the% top% scoring% team with an% average% of% 41.2 points%
per% game.%It%is the %sixth %most%popular %football%team in %the %league.%This %is %due to %the work ethic,
influence,%and %coaching% leadership% style% Manning% has% provided% for% the% team. Insiders %and %outsiders
alike can% see his% dedication% to every% aspect of% the game, and it trickles% down% to almost every player.
Manning exhibits seriousness and% enthusiasm in practices that is rare of such a% seasoned player. His%
peers% have% commented% on% his% level of preparedness% for% practices. As% soon% as% Manning% joined% the%
Broncos, he% began% studying% the% playbook% and% knew the% plays% better% than% others. As% a% result, he% was%
able to fine-tune every% detail with% his% fellow% players% in% practices. Manning’s behavior is based% on
strong% principles% including% trust, accountability, fairness, and% respect. His teammates look up to
him because% of his% accomplishments% and% admire% him for% his% willingness% to% coach% them in% details%
that%continue to %improve %them %as %individual%players.%
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His ability and willingness to admit his mistakes and continually improve himself through learning
makes him% an accountable leader. As% the% quarterback, he% bears% the% burden% of the% team and%
encourages% his teammates to pay attention to the way they are running and where they are looking%
so% he% can% get the% ball to% them. He% takes% over% the% big% picture% so% that his% teammates% can% focus% on% the%
details% that lead% them to% success. There% was an instance% when Manning threw %three %intercepted
passes% in% the% first quarter% of a% game. H is% peers% were% impressed% that he% did% not shy% away% from media%
interviews and admitted his mistake rather than placing the blame on other team members. He also
leads %by %example %through %good %sportsmanship. This% resonated% with% his% peers% during% the% 2012-
2013% season% when% the% Broncos% lost to% the% Ravens% in% double% overtime, which% eliminated% them from
the %playoffs.%Manning %stayed %behind %after %all%the %players %and %teams %had %left%the %field in %order to
shake% hands% with% Ravens% linebacker% Ray% Lewis.
Despite his large presence, Manning is very approachable. He has% been% known% to% set up% informal
practices% with% fellow players% to% work out and talk% about the plays.% Teammates are% motivated% to% be%
precise% in% practices, so% they %can %be %part%of %the %offensive %plays.% They know% they have% to% prove% their%
dedication% to% the% team and% the% game% if% they are to get% Manning’s attention% on% the field. Off the% field,
Manning gives reporters and fans% the same% detailed% attention, resulting% in% quality% interviews% and%
admiration% among% fans. He has also been known to write to fans and keep in touch with those that
have% influenced% him. Manning’s contribution to %the %Bronco’s% team and the %city %of %Denver is
palpable, inspiring% pride among% fans% in their home team.
Manning’s attention to% detail is a% testament%to %his %image.%He is %aware %that%his %fame %puts %him in %the
eyes% of many% people, and he strives% to protect his% reputation so% as% not to% damage% his% influence. This
serves% as% an% asset for% endorsements. Chief Marketing% Officer% of DirecTV, a% company% that Manning% is%
the %face %of,%commented %that%customers %are %drawn to %Manning% for% his% family-orientated% values %and
high-quality% character.% Even% in% endorsements, Manning% is% setting% records, becom ing% the% fourth%
highest-ranked% athlete% endorser% after% Michael Jordan, Hank Aaron, and Arnold Palmer,%as %well%as
the %highest%ranked %athlete %currently.%
Some% fans have% commented% that his% involvement in% the% community% was the impetus for becoming%
his% supporter.%His %involvement%in %the %Peyback %Foundation %is %only %one %way %Manning %gives %back.%He
is also heavily% involved in Play% it Smart, an% educational program for high schoo l football players
from underprivileged% backgrounds, and the Manning% Passing% Academy, a% football camp% owned and%
managed by the Manning family. In %addition,%Peyton %Manning is %good %at%poking %fun %at%his
benevolence, as% witnessed by% his% 2007 United Way% spoof on% Saturday$ Night$ Live:
Overall, Manning’s% influence% is% a result of the% high% expectations% he% holds% for% himself, his% concern% for%
his% community, and% the% acknowledgement of the% responsibility% he% bears% to% the team.%He %strives% to%
make himself better every day, which, in turn, encourages those around him% to do the same. ESPN’s%
NFL Nation Confidential survey of 320 players reported Peyton Manning as the most respected
player, receiving% 27% percent of the% vote, as% well as% the% player% they% would% most want to% start a% team
with, receiving 19% percent of the% vote. When told% of the% poll, Manning humbly responded% to% the%
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accolade with appreciation% and gratitude that his% teammates% thought so highly% of% him. It has% even%
been% said that Manning’s influence reaches employees% in% the %entire Broncos% franchise, influencing%
the %entire %organizational%culture in a %positive %manner.%
Super% Bowl XLVIII began% on% a% rocky% note% for% Peyton% Manning% and the% Broncos, and the% trend
continued throughout the% game. The% Seattle% Seahawks% beat the% Broncos% 43-8% through% aggressive%
defense. The% game% was% marked% by% several intercepted% passes% from Manning as% well as% several
incompletions on the part% of% the Broncos receivers. Encountering% a% loss% this% bad% was hard% for% the%
team to %take %after %such a %triumphant% regular% and% post season. It%is in %emotionally %devastating %times
such% as% these% that ethical leadership% is% truly% tested. While it was obvious that Manning was
mourning the loss, he continued to acknowledge his fans with autographs and responded to
reporters’ questions with% dignity. One% fan% commented% on% his% interaction% with% Peyton% Manning% after%
the %game, stating% that he% has% respect for% his% fans% and% has% maintained% his% good% reputation% even% in%
hard% times.
When it%was %certain %that%the Broncos% were% going to the %Super %Bowl,%seven additional Omaha
businesses (for% a% total of% 15) com bined resources% and pledged to donate% $1,500% for% each% time%
Manning called% out “Omaha” during the big game. Due to the dynamics of the game,%however,%
Manning was only able to% make the call twice for a total of a% $3,000% donation% to% the% Peyback
1.% How has Peyton Manning’s% personal work% ethic% and% integrity% impacted the Den ver Broncos
2.% What impact does a high integrity athlete have on a% team’s value and admiration in an era%
when many athletes do% not exercise% ethical leadership or personal character?
3.% What can be learned about the creativity and impact of linking behavior (such as a%
quarterback’s% signals)% to supporting a charitable% cause?
Associated Press, “’Omaha’ Nets Peyton M anning’s Charity $24,800,” The New York$ Post,%January %20,%2014,%
http://nypost.com/2014/01/20/omaha-nets-peyton-mannings-charity-24800/ (accessed January 22, 2014).
Ken Belson, “In the Zone With Peyton Manning,” The New York$ Times,%No ve mber 16, 2013,
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/11/17/sports/football/in-the-zone-with-peyton-manning.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1 (accessed
January 22, 2014).
Will Brinson, “Peyton Manning’s ‘Omaha’ Calls Nets Charity $24K,” CBS$ Sports,%Jan uary %19,%2014, http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-
football/2441444 9 /p e yto n-mannings-omaha-calls-nets-charity-24k (accessed January 22, 20 14).
Kevin Clark, Quarterbacks Speak Fluent Gibberish,” The Wall Street Journal,%November %19,%2012,%
http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887323353204578129381777622430 (accessed January 23, 2014).
Eliana Dockterman, “Peyton% Manning’s Charity Raises $25K From ‘Omaha’ Calls,” Time,%Janu a r y %20,%2014,%
http://keepingscore.blogs.time.com/2014/01/20/peyton-manning-charity-raises-25k-from-omaha-calls/ (accessed January 22,
Jeff%Legwold, %“ N FL %Peers %Res pe c t %Manning,” ESPN.com,%January %16,%20 1 4 ,% http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/10303066/peyton-
manning-denver-broncos-most-respected-nfl-espn-survey (accessed January 22, 201 4).
Jeff%Legwold, %“ Peyton% M anning Leading Broncos with %Preparation, %Play, %and %Accountability,” The Denver Post,%September %21 ,%2 0 1 2 ,%
http://www.denverpost.com/ci_21593843/peyton-manning-leading-broncos-preparation-play-accountability (accessed January
22, 2014).
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Tony M anfred, “Here’s What It Means When% Peyton% M anning% Yells ‘Omaha’,” SF$ Gate,%Jan u a r y %19,%2014,%
(accessed January 23, 2014).
Ryan McGee, “Help Me Help You,” ESPN Magazine,%August %25,%2012 ,% http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/8287028/peyton-manning-
pursuit-perfection-influences-denver-broncos-espn-magazine (accessed January 22, 2014).
Andy Nesbitt, “How Much Money Did Peyton Raise By Yelling ‘Omaha’ In% Super Bowl?” Fox$ Sports,%February %2,%2 0 1 4 ,%
http://msn.foxsports.com/buzzer/story/peyton-manning-omaha- ch arity-sup er-bowl-xlviii-020214% (accessed% February% 3, 2014).
Dan W etzel, “Peyton Manning Leaves Crushing Super Bowl Loss with Reputation Intact,” Yahoo$ Sports,%February %3,%2014 ,%
(accessed February 3, 2014).